Facebook Safety Rules (2FA, Facebook Containers and other settings)
Please add 2FA to your FB/Instagram accounts. It will prevent 80% of account hacks and lost accounts. Most of account locks/bans is a result of hacked accounts and/or paranoid FB policies that attempt to prevent these account hacks. When you add 2FA, FB marks you account as "less risky" from one side and 2FA makes hacks significantly more difficult for hackers. For example, you can use VPN and switch IP address without temporary account lock. In worst case scenario, FB is going to force you to login using 2FA. When configuring 2FA, do at least three things: Primary 2FA method: configure TOTP using Google Authenticator or similar application (I use Aegis because it allows backups of 2FA tokens) Secondary 2FA method: print/save 2FA backup codes in case you do not have access to Authenticator app backup 2FA token or QR code (in case you need to restore Authenticator app) Backup all your tokens from TOTP app (that's why you should use Aegis, Google Authenticator allows backup...