Whatsapp on Symbian, Windows 10 Mobile phones, Nokia N9 Meego and Nokia N900 Maemo (as of June 13 2021)

 I am not responsible for any damage caused by executing these instructions, ban of your Whatsapp account, hack of your Whatsapp account by evil hackers or other entities, ban of your Facebook account, your ban in Google etc. Do it only if you understand what you are doing. I suggest to use burner SIM card first and not your main SIM card. Remember: everything can happen with your Whatsapp account, your phone, bank accounts linked to your phone numbers. You may break up with your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend as result of following these instructions. You are sole responsible for all consequences and take full responsibility for your actions by continuing to read these instructions and following these instructions. The side effects of executing steps below may be everything including premature birth, dizziness, nausea, death, stuttering, memory loss, etc. Don't follow these instructions if you do not want unexpected consequences to your Whatsapp account, your phone, your health and your family. I warned you!

I suggest to use temporary/burner SIM/phone number for now in order to mitigate potential phone number ban by Whatsapp. I do not know what will happen if hundreds or thousands users login to XMPP server below. While, in general, WhatsappWeb usage should not trigger red flag on Whatsapp side, I can not guarantee that your phone will not be banned by Whatsapp/Facebook.

If you see any issue, terminate all WhatsappWeb sessions from Whatsapp Web menu of your Android phone or iPhone.

Remember: owners of Jabber servers potentially can see and intercept your conversations. By default, XMPP connections are not encrypted and your conversations may be intercepted by 3rd parties including hackers, government and owners of public wi-fi hot spots.

You need Android phone to initiate Whatsapp-Jabber transport and to handle connectivity between your Symbian/Windows 10 Mobile/N9/N900 phone and Whatsapp servers. It can be old Android 4.1 phone (broken screen is OK)  but it must be always connected to the internet (wi-fi is OK) and Whatsapp must always be running. That's how WhatsapWeb is working.

1.Register in XMPP, Hot Chilli here https://jabber.hot-chilli.net/forms/create/  

2. Once registered, pre register on the transports of Hot Chilli https://jabber.hot-chilli.net/forms/preregister/   

You need to renew your pre-registration every 30 days

3. Install Pidgin Jabber client on your PC and login to your Jabber account 

4. Install Lightbulb or Slick on Symbian phone. On Windows 10 Mobile phones, install UWPX Alpha XMPP client from Microsoft Store.
You can use built in XMPP client on Nokia N900 and Nokia N9 Meego

5. Install Whatsapp on your Android or iPhone   

6 - Once you're in on your Lumia or another Windows 10 Mobile phone or Nokia N900 Maemo/ N9 Meego Phone, add this contact, admin@whatsapp.jabber.hot-chilli.net  to your contacts within Pidgin on Windows PC

7. On Pidgin, send text message with one word "register" to admin@whatsapp.jabber.hot-chilli.net  You will see same contact on Pidgin and you will see same messages on Pidgin. 

8. You'll get a response from admin@whatsapp.jabber.hot-chilli.net web and a url address Open URL with barcode on PC and scan it with your Android phone ( Go to your android phone, whatsapp, settings, whatsapp web and scan the QR code)

8a. At this point you will get authorization requests from your Whatsapp contacts. Accept all of them. Some contacts will not be synchronized (in some cases none of your contacts will be synchronizeded). In this case add missing contacts manually on either Pidgin (Windows), Lightbulb or Slick (Symbian) as following:

for example, if the phone number of your contact is +1-999-1234567 and the name of contact is Vasily Pupkin, add contact
and set alias "Vasily Pupkin"

This contacts will be "unauthorized" / "offline" but it does not affect functionality at all.

You can rename your existing contacts in Pidgin (Windows 10) or Slick (Symbian).

Unfortunately, you can not change name of your contacts on Windows 10 Mobile Lumias. They all will be in the form of u19991234567@whatsapp.jabber.hot-chilli.net

9. Exit from  UWPX Alpha XMPP client (if you use W10M phone) or restart your Lumia, Symbian phone or Nokia N900

10.  Login to Jabber on  Symbian/Lumia/Nokia N900/Nokia N9. You should see all your contacts.  

11. If you want to close the transport, go to the admin chat and type/send stop. If you want unregister, first unregister and the unregister -force. Remember to close the active session on your whatsapp of Android  

If you add new contact to Whatsapp (by updating address book on your Android or iPhone), you need to executes steps 11 and 7-10 or you can try to add contacts manually in Pidgin or Slick.

Note1 / Limitation / Bug:

Contacts should be audodiscovered but it is not happening for now (see 8a)  . I am going to contact jabber server admin to solve the problem. For now, you should add your contacts manually.

Note 2:

Attachments do not work. Only text messages.

Note 3:

You should always have Whatsapp up and running on your Android phone. Wi-Fi (without SIM) is OK but configure your Whatsapp client on Android to go to sleep. Old Andoid 4.1 phone with broken screen should be fine. Sorry, this is limitation of WhatsappWeb that emulated by XMPP Whatsapp transport


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