
Showing posts from February, 2023

VoLTE APN settings for T-Mobile's MVNOs SIM cards with MNC 240 (as of December 31 2022)

  If you have SIM card of one of T-Mobile's MVNO with MNC 240 (Lycamobile, Freedompop, Ultramobile, Tello etc.) and VoLTE does not work on your phone, try this: Add new ims endpoint with following parameters: Name: ims APN: ims APN type: ims MCC: 310 MNC: 240 (or 260 if your SIM's MNC is 260, but MNC 260 SIMs usually do not have VoLTE issue) Protocol: IPv6 Roaming Protocol: IPv4 Bearer: LTE , IWLAN (or just LTE if you cannot add IWLAN ) Last line (Bearer) is very important: it is a key to VoLTE. You should set it at least to LTE to enable VoLTE. Second value IWLAN seems to be responsible for VoWIFI, but I couldn't enable Wi-Fi calling even after adding IWLAN to Bearer. Just create this APN but do not set it active. After setting Bearer: LTE VoLTE started to work with Freedompop/Tmobile SIM and Tello SIM (both MNC 240) on my old Blu R1 HD (Android 6) and Tracfone's unlocked (and T-Mobile compatible) Samsung A10E. Tello support page is not mentioning Bearer attribute and ...

How to update Windows Phone 8.1 Lumia to GDR1 and GDR2

  How to update any WP to Windows Phone 8.1 Update (GDR1) How to update any WP device to Windows Phone 8.1 Update 2 (GDR2)

How to add Google Contacts and Calendar to Windows 10 Mobile Lumias

  First option   (Windows 10 Mobile only, not easy): It uses "modified" Mail app that used only to add Google Account to your Lumia. You remove this app (it is buggy) after adding account and re-install stock app. See instructions:   This is my manual and I use this option to synchronize contacts and calendar between my Google Account and all my Lumia phones (under Windows 10 Mobile. It does not work for Windows Phone 8.1). Second option  (also for Windows 10 Mobile only) is here:  Use Google Translate to translate from Russian. The idea is to use separate CalDAV and CardDAV clients to sync your Google Calendar (and contacts) with your Lumia phone (Google unofficially supports CalDAV and CardDAV protocols). Third option  is sync service  It supports Google Calendar and Contacts syncing wi...

Синхронизация почты и контактов между аккаунтом Гугла и телефоном на Windows 10 Mobile (по состояния на 1 февраля 2023 года)

  Синхронизация почты, контактов  и календаря между аккаунтом Гугла и телефоном на Windows 10 Mobile Проблема синхронизации контактов между аккаунтом Гугла и телефоном на Windows 10 Mobile/сборки 1703 и 1709 наконец-то решена (без использования промежуточных сервисов) Пре-реквизиты: 1. Включить 2FA на аккаунте Гугла 2. Создать в настройках безопасности аккаунта Гугла Application Specific Password для доступа к контактам. Назовем его contactspassword 3. Создать в настройках безопасности аккаунта Гугла Application Specific Password для доступа к почте. Назовем его mailpassword 4. В этом примере логин в Гугле - Сносим установленное на Люмии приложение Mail and Calendar (иногда называется Outlook). Если не сносится стандартным путем, снести приложение Google Calendar через Interop Tools - Устанавливаем <глючную> версию Mail and Calendar 16005.14326.20090.0 - Заходим в календарь, нажимаем три точки в правом нижнем углу, заходим в accounts, создаем аккаунт iCl...

Contacts and Calendar synchronization between Google Account and Lumia under Windows 10 Mobile (as of Feb 1 2023)

  The problem finally solved. No intermediate service is required Windows 10 Mobile builds 1703 or 1709 tested. No idea about builds 1511 and 1607. Pre-requisites: 1. Enable 2FA in your Google Account 2. Create application specific password to access contacts. Let's call it contactspassword  3. Create application specific password to access mail. Let's call it mailpassword  4. In this example, your Google login is  - Delete pre-installed app Mail and Calendar (sometimes called Outlook) If you cannot remove it (system apps Outllok Mail and Outlook Calendar sometimes cannot be removed by the standard way), remove the package "Outlook Calendar" using Interop Tools - Install buggy version  Mail and Calendar 16005.14326.20090.0 - Enter calendar, press 3 dots in right bottom corner, enter accounts, create account iCloud with login and password contactspassword - the phone will create  iCloud account, but will display error and as...